landscape on a budget

Landscape for Free-Budget Landscaping-Cheap ways to Landscape

The weather has changed. There’s so much we all want to do in our yards this time of year. Beautiful flowers are starting to show up at all the stores. All kinds of landscape items like lawn chairs, umbrellas, tables, flower pots, bbq grills the list can go on and on. But it all costs money. Take a look and see how you can landscape for free.

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We want it all but there is that pesky budget. Needing to watch where we are spending our money. Needing to spend it wisely. This article will help give you some ideas on what you can do with your landscape for free.

Landscape your yard for free

First thing you need to do is go out into your yard and look around. Visualize what you would want your yard to look like. I would like a pergola out back with some landscape rock and a tree. Also a barn with a pasture in front. All of that will take saving money to do. That’s not accessible right now but I know I can save for it in the future. Taking baby steps towards it.

What can be done is to get the yard to look nice. When you go out to visualize what you want your landscape to look like take a look around to see what needs to be done first. We need to focus on what we can do for free in our landscape right now.

Items that cost money are great but they won’t magically change the look of the yard. Just think if you were to go out and buy that great looking table and chair, then put it on your patio before you cleaned the patio up. Will it make all of those weeds around it disappear? No it won’t it will just add to the clutter. The weeds and clutter won’t disappear. What needs to be done is some good old fashion weed pulling. If they are in an area that a weed cutter can be used go for it. Just remember they will come back.

I have a large patio lined with river rocks and plants and weeds. A garden that is half way done, trees that are overgrown. See below.

A lot of us have this habit of looking past what is there and think if we go out and purchase some new items it will look great. That is not always the case. If we were to clean up what we have it will look beautiful for no cost at all.

Yes for free!

All we need to do is look at the landscape and figure out in baby steps what needs to be done. Don’t let it overwhelm you.

Weeding is cheap

Before weeds removed
Before pulling weeds

Spring brings rain which brings flowers but also the dreaded weeds. Weeds are my nemesis. I dislike them so much. They seem to pop up over night. I try not to use any chemicals in my yard. One reason is they are not healthy for humans and also animals and the environment. Sometimes I know you have to resort to this but I try not too.

There are natural ways to get rid of them but that can be another article because it still costs money. The one way to rid your flower beds and around your trees of weeds is good old fashion pulling of weeds. It’s amazing what an hour spent outside in your flower bed can do. It changes the look of your landscaping. See the before and after pictures of my patio area that is lined with rocks. I forgot what it could look like all free of weeds. Yes it takes time but right now time is what we all have waiting this pandemic out. It will get you outside in the fresh air. A little sunshine and physical activity can be good.

What a difference in the landscape

Trees improve landscaping without costing any money.

Another item that can be done for free is trimming of trees. Trees are one thing that is easy to over look. Stand back take and look to see where you can give your tree a trim. Go grab your loppers and start trimming. If you don’t have any maybe a neighbor will let you borrow some. At a distance of course. It’s kind of like giving your tree a haircut. Cut a little at a time and stand back to see if more needs to come off. Be careful once you cut it off there is no way of putting it back on. Sometimes it will grow back but it takes time.

My husband and I trimmed this tree below. We did a little at a time by working around the tree. It was all the way to the ground. I wanted to show off the beautiful sculpture of the trunk. We kept circling the tree cutting little by little until we got it to where we wanted it. We used the limbs as firewood in our fire pit. Another free bonus.

sculptured tree trunk

Clean sidewalks will cost you nothing

Sidewalks or driveways are another area to get cleaned up. Dirt builds up in the cracks which leads to weeds growing in them. Dirt also changes the color of the sidewalks it builds up and adds a nasty look to it. If you have a blower start working close to your house and work out into the yard. A broom works great also it will just take a little more time. Sunshine and being active will help with your mood of being confined to the house. To get that nasty build up will probably take some water. If you don’t want to waste water you can wait until it rains to do this part and scrub it after the rain stops. It’s spring it will rain even here in Arizona.

Clean up items in your yard and make money

It’s amazing what all we can collect in our yards. Take a walk around and pick up the trash that has accumulated in the corners. If you have children have them help pick up the toys that are spread through out and find a spot to put them. Make a toy area. Anything else you can find that doesn’t belong in the yard put it away or get rid of it. One way to make a little money is have a yard sale or list them on offer up.

Add an outside room to your landscape for no extra cost

In our yard lawn chairs seem to find there way into different parts of the yard and it makes it look cluttered. Gather all of your outside furniture and make a seating area. If your furniture doesn’t match and you want it too take a look in your garage for some old spray paint and paint it. Remember everything doesn’t have to match to look good. Isn’t it nice to have an outside “room” to hang out in and enjoy what you just achieved for free. a brand new beautiful yard that you landscaped for free.

I will post more pictures once I finish up with the list below. Just pulling those weeds have made a big difference. Who knew you could have a beautiful landscape for free.

Enjoy the great outdoors!


List of free landscaping ideas

  • pull weeds
  • trim trees
  • clean sidewalks/driveways
  • pick up clutter
  • add outside room with lawn furniture

Let us know how you landscaped your yard for free below in the comments.