Ideas to Stage a house

Ideas For Staging A House/Staging A House Ideas

5 Things to do to Stage a House

If you haven’t sold a house recently you will need some ideas for staging a house. 

Staging a house is a necessity.  There are so many houses out there for sale that you want to be the house that is noticed. Home staging is a great way to get noticed and to raise the value of the house.

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Ideas For Staging a House For Sale Doesn’t Have to be Costly. 

It doesn’t have to take money to stage your house. The more you put into your house the more you might get back but not always. There are ways to increase the value without spending any money.

I will be sharing 5 things to do to stage a house for no money.  The ideas that I am sharing today are ideas that do not cost anything. 

I have shared ways to Add Value To Your Home On A Budget in another post.

I cover more ways to stage a house in other articles listed at the end of this post.

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5 Ideas for Staging a House

These 5 ideas for staging a house are a great starting point.  Even if you’re not ready to put your house on the market yet.  Following these steps will help you enjoy living in your home until it is time to move.  Following these tips will help you live a simple life.

different perspective for ideas for staging a house
Photo by Ron Lach on

1.Step Back and Look at Your Home from another person’s perspective.

The first thing you need to do is to take a step back and look at every room in your home from another person’s perspective. 

If you don’t take another perspective it will be hard to get the staging done.

What you normally see is what you are used to looking at.  Our eyes tend to overlook what has been there for a while. 

Like the baseboards for instance a person doesn’t normally walk in their own home and look at their baseboards and see that they are scuffed up and need painting. 

Furniture layout is another item that homeowners overlook. Maybe there is an oversized couch that you love but it blocks the walkway.  You think it is worth it but the buyer will see it as a room that is too small. 

I know that this will be hard but you need to get your mindset to that you are selling your home. You want to get the most money out of it that you can.

declutter room ideas for staging a house
This room needs a little less in it.

2. Declutter

Remember you are selling this house. 

Decluttering it is a priority. 

The less you have in the house the larger the house looks. 

Besides, decluttering it now means less to move later. 

I have written an article about decluttering that gives great tips about organizing and decluttering you can check out.

If you have items that you want to keep make sure you have a space for them in the house that doesn’t make it look cluttered.  No space? Ask a friend or relative to store your items for you.

If you can’t find a space or someone to help you out think about renting a storage unit or as a last resort store the items nicely in your garage. 

Remember the garage needs to be clean and organized also.

3. Remove all personal items

depersonalize ideas for home staging
Great picture but needs to be removed from house.

Removing all personal items is hard for most.

What I mean by personal items are family pictures, souvenir items, artwork that doesn’t appeal to the masses. Even shoes laying at the back door.

Take a look around the house and see what you can find. This also includes toys that are on the floor. Find a place for them.

couple moving sofa in room
Photo by Blue Bird on

  4. Rearrange furniture

Rearrange your furniture so there is a better flow to your house.  Yes, that favorite recliner in front of your television needs to be moved someplace that isn’t in the way. Keep the flow going.

Just remember that it is temporary.

You’re doing this to sell your house.

What you need to focus on is the traffic flow throughout your house. You don’t want a sofa in front of the pathway of the front door. It might be convenient for you but it will make the room look small. This is another area where you might need a storage unit.

Make sure that the rooms don’t have too much furniture to make them look too small.  There is a happy medium to less of furniture can hurt too. Most people can’t imagine what a space’s potential is.

They need to be shown.

If you aren’t going to get new furniture for your new house you will need to store some that take up room.

5. Deep Clean

cleanliness, maid, maintains
Sinks Need To Shine

Cleaning is very important.

I am not just talking about everyday cleaning.

Everything needs to be cleaned from the window blinds to the baseboards.

Think about when you walk into a house you look around at everything. If you notice that the baseboards have a layer of dirt on them you would think about how dirty the house is.

Even if everything else is cleaned. The dirty baseboards would stick with you.

Make The House Memorable

In order for buyers to remember houses they have looked at, people put labels on them that are memorable.

You wouldn’t want to be the “Dirty Baseboard House” would you?

Be the “Wow, I want it”

So take a look around and clean what needs to be cleaned. Better yet clean everything and then keep it cleaned.

Not sure how to keep it cleaned? Here is a post on How To Keep House Cleaned While It’s For Sale.


On your way to a Staged House

When you get done with all of the items above you are on your way to having a staged house.

Check out my other posts below on Home Staging to get your house up for sale.