home staging

Home Staging /House Staging does work

Home Staging

Home staging is an important part of selling your house. If you watch HGTV and notice how all of the shows last step before listing is staging the house.

Could you imagine if they ended the show with a house and nothing in it?

Just showing the empty rooms.

It would be hard to see the beauty that they created. It is hard to imagine what the room would look like without some visual guidance. The show would be boring to watch if there wasn’t anything to look at but a blank room.

room, empty, interior. home staging
Empty Room

Many people think that staging is just for television but it’s not. Home staging actually helps sell your house.

The National Association of Realtor’s website says “83% agents say that a staged home is easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a home.” (source)

Home staging also adds value to your home. Here is another post to check out on How To Add Value To Your Home On a Budget.

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Visual Guidance

Maybe you’re thinking ” If I home stage how do I live there? I need my things.”

Home staging doesn’t mean you have to move out. It consists of:

1. Rearranging your furniture to show the best in your home.

2. Removing clutter

3. Depersonalize the space

There is nowhere it says you have to move out. Yes, there might be a little inconvenience, but if it is done right your house will be sold quickly and for more value.

The problem is if you don’t stage your house to sell it, you keep it as it is, it looks like you are living there.

People have a hard time imagining themselves in it.

They see you in it.

family bonding time in the living room
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com


I know that may sound confusing. In the first paragraph, I say empty rooms are hard to imagine filled with items and the second paragraph says your things in the house will not sell your home.

Really, I am not trying to confuse you. What needs to be done is to stage your house to sell it.

Too many items can clutter the visual space which can clutter the mind of the buyer. You want the buyer to be able to imagine themselves living there not seeing you live there.

I know it seems like I keep saying the same thing but that is what home staging is. Taking the personal out of the home.

If it is done right the house will get sold quickly and you are in your new home. Living without all of your things will be worth it.

Check out my article that explains what home staging consists of.

In short, home staging is a process of taking out extra furniture and clutter. This helps make the house seem bigger. You want the rooms to look as big as they can. Having a huge living room that looks small because of the furniture doesn’t show off how wonderful the room really is.

home staging

Home Staging is to sell your House

Staging a home can sometimes be an inconvenience but the benefits outweigh the negatives. I have moved and sold many houses as I mentioned in this post about me.

Staging all of my homes was definitely the right thing to do. Going the extra mile got the house sold faster and more money in the pocket.

Give home staging a try. Go to my other home staging posts for ways to stage your home yourself.

Start Home Staging now!

Not sure where to start?

Decluttering is a good place to begin.

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