water fight, children, water

Summer Fun In The Backyard

Summer fun starts in the backyard. No matter what size of yard you have.

Summer Fun = Family Memories

So many of our families’ great memories are in the backyard during summer. There are so many ways to enjoy your time together at home. Family vacations are fun to go on but they usually only last about 1 week of the summer. We have had some great vacations with a lot of memories but the backyard holds many more memories.

There are so many fun things to do in the summer. No more staying inside because it’s too cold and dreary.

Let’s get outside and have some summer fun!

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Activity # 1

Let’s go on a hike.

There is all kinds of things to explore in the great outdoors. No matter where you live there are adventures to be found. This is an activity that you can do together or send the kids out on their own in the backyard.

backyard hiking
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels.com

One idea to put together for this great adventure is a treasure map. Draw out your backyard on a piece of paper or maybe even a chalkboard. Find a spot in your yard. Place a surprise that can be found. On the map place an x where the surprise is and have them follow a dotted line around the yard finding items along the way that you have listed like a rock, stick, flower, or even toys they have out in the backyard. Also maybe add activities they have to do also. Like jump 3 times, run in a circle whatever you can think of. They have to find all of the items and do all of the activities before they come to the surprise.

The surprise can be whatever you would like it to be. Maybe an outside treat, some mermaid sidewalk chalk, or even make a coupon to be used for a pool day.

This was one of my kids’ favorite things to do. If making items take too long or you want a lasting item that you can use over and over. We had a kit similar to this Forest Trail Kit that we used. It lasted for many years. We still talk about our backyard and neighborhood hikes.

Activity #2

Family Dig.

Who doesn’t like to play in the sand or dirt? My son loves dinosaurs. This is one activity that he enjoyed at the museum, zoo, and even our backyard. If you have a sandbox in your backyard this is an easy and fun way to pass the time. Even if there is no sand around a flower pot or even a bowl with some topsoil will work.

 dinosaur dig
Photo by Cup of Couple on Pexels.com

Get some dinosaurs and place them around in the sandbox or a flower pot and go on an excavation like a real paleontologist. These dinosaurs are a great size for digging up. They won’t get lost and can be used so many times. This activity doesn’t take long to set up. Once they are all dug up hide them again and again.

Want to make it more life-like use this Dig Dinosaur kit.

After the family dig sit around and make stories up about what the dinosaurs might have been doing. This Puffy Sticker Play Set is great for storytime. They are reusable stickers that can be used on a double-sided background board. Think of all the fun stories you can tell.

Activity # 3

Swimming in the pool.

Swimming may be one that you already know. But it is one that needs to be mentioned. So many family memories in the backyard have to do with the swimming pool. Summer heat can become bearable with the fun of a pool. Young and old love to swim.

Don’t stop reading because you don’t have a pool. See below for swimming ideas.

swimming is fun in the sun
Photo by Juan Salamanca on Pexels.com

There are many types of pools out there. Swimming in a pool doesn’t have to be in one below ground. If you don’t have a big backyard there are some blowup pools that are great fun. Like this rectangle, pool. Pump it up and fill it with water and let the fun begin. Leave it up or take it down when the day is done. This pool might not be big enough for actual swimming but it is big enough for the family to have some water fun. I’ve just recently bought this pool that is small and easy to set up. The bonus is it can stay up it comes with a pump. Yay!!

When we lived in Texas the kids missed being able to go to relatives and go swimming all the time. We invested in this Easy Set Up Pool. Talk about easy and fun. We all were able to get in and swim. Don’t like the round pool here is a rectangle pool that can stay up throughout summer.

There is More for Backyard Summer Fun!

Activity # 4

Sprinkler Fun

Sprinklers are great for those of us that don’t want the pool. Summertime tends to get a little hot for not having any water fun. How about trying one of many sprinkler or water fun items out there.

summer fun in the sprinkler
Photo by Emma Bauso on Pexels.com

There are so many fun and unique ways to play in the water. This inflatable Sunshine Sprinkler can bring many hours of fun in the sun. The Sprinkle and Splash Playmat is a new item that I have recently seen and think is a very good idea. With this, you don’t have to drive to the splash park. It’s great for toddlers that are afraid of the pool too. Maybe go a little bigger if you have space and get this Play Waterpark and invite the neighbors over for some fun. When my kids were younger this was the hit of the neighborhood.

Activity # 5

Water Slide

Water Slide is another water idea. I could of put it with the sprinklers. Since my family has had a couple of these slides in the past. We have had so much fun with them. I thought I would make them their own activity.

When these slides first came out. I believe it was about 15 years ago. We had to have one. We had a small backyard and wanted something that was bigger than sprinkler fun. But smaller than a pool. I saw this big slide advertised in a flyer and just had to have one. Of course, everyone was sold out around us. This was before Amazon and the easy online shopping.

My husband called around to cities around us and found one about 200 miles away. The store offered to put a hold on it for us.

We accepted of course!

4 hours later we were proud owners of an inflatable water slide and the most popular house on the street. Our family and neighbors had so much fun making memories.

We ended up moving to Texas and gave it to our neighbors. (See moving tips in this post about How to Make Moving Easier.)

Having so much fun with the first water slide. When summer arrived in Texas we bought another one. Looking at the water slide it’s unbelievable how many different ones are out there. If you like throwing lots of parties in the summer or know you will be using a slide a lot this Slide would be great to have. I can’t believe how affordable they have become.

inflatable floaters on the water
Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels.com

Which Summer Fun Activity Are You Doing First?

Activity # 6

Cloud watching

Watching clouds is great for those cloudy lazy days. Have you ever gone out to your backyard and laid down? If not give it a try. Grab your family and a blanket. Find a spot where you can lay on the ground and look up at the sky.

cloud watching
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Have each person see if they can spot shapes in the clouds. I’ve seen elephants, a unicorn running, and an angel. This is a great way to use imagination. Once someone has spotted something. Have them point it out. See if everyone else can see it or see if they see something different in the same cloud. It’s fun to see what each person can come up with.

If you do not want to look for shapes just look up at the sky and relax and watch how fast the clouds are moving.

Activity # 7


Camping is a great way to spend time with family. You don’t even have to leave your house if you don’t want to.

Camp indoors or out in your backyard or both. What I like to do is spend time in the backyard until it’s bedtime. Then whoever wants their own bed can go to sleep.

tepee summer fun
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels.com

To get ready for camping gather up items that you would normally use when you’re away from home. A tent would be fun to set up. It would make it more like you were away from home. If you don’t have a tent, use a sheet placed over some chairs with a broomstick in the middle to hold it up. You can even do this in your house for inside camping. This kit is a great setup for kids it has a tent, 2 sleeping bags, chairs, and flashlights. They can go camping anytime they want with it. If a traditional tent isn’t what you want this tepee is a fun addition for camping and even a great reading area in the house.

Plan on doing fun activities that you would normally do while out camping. Cook outside on the bbq, play catch, and go on a backyard hike like in activity #1. Have a campfire in the fire pit and make smores. If you don’t have a firepit there are Smore Makers that work great. Remember to watch young kids around the fire. It can be dangerous.

To wind down these great printable games are a great addition to the day.

Activity # 8

Outside Movie Night

Watching a movie outside makes it special. Even if you have seen the movie many times. What you need is a white sheet hung on your wall, a movie projector, and a movie. Don’t forget the popcorn.

palm trees near projection screen during nighttime
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Pexels.com

With this projector, you can go to the movies out in your backyard with no problem. Make it seem like a drive-in and make cars out of cardboard boxes to sit in. This can be a fun activity to keep the kids busy during the day. Not to mention many hours of playtime for days to come. Have them drive up and sit in front of this inflatable movie projector screen. Just add popcorn and you’re ready to roll.

If you have a pool a swim in movie night is great fun also.

Summer Fun Recap

  • Hike
  • Dig
  • Swimming
  • Sprinkler
  • Water Slide
  • Cloud watching
  • Camping
  • Movie Night

That’s eight activities that are great memory makers for the whole family. Our family has done each one of these for many years. This year being our family has all grown up we are still planning on getting together for swimming and a movie night or two.

If you and your family have any fun activities to share please share in the comments below.

Have a great summer!!

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