Hi I’m Ellie

We currently have made what I am saying is our last move ever. 

Admittedly I said those exact words 4 years ago when we moved to Indiana.

This time I really truly am serious. Truly!

A lot of moving around

Lets see we have moved a total of 11 times in the last 30 years.

That’s not including the 4 times in my childhood either.  Out of the 11, we have lived in 4 different states.

The first major move was from Arizona to Texas 13 years ago.

Oh what an adventure that was.  I still remember driving all night and my husband saying almost there. (He already had been living in our house for a month.) Looking around at the surrounding area so different from what we were used to.  Oh the feeling of excitement of what is to come next. Maybe those feelings are what keeps us moving. The excitement and new adventures.  

We went from Arizona to Texas then Tennessee and off to Indiana. 

Maybe I can say from very hot to hot, to mildly hot but humid, mildly hot and humid and -22 in the winter cold.  Now back to very hot. That -22 degree winter made me look at my husband and say this is the last winter in Indiana, we are moving. He agreed.  So here we are back in Arizona.

Home Decor

Looking back at all of those moves I see the many stages of my growth towards home staging. 

I have always been into decorating houses, architecture, furniture, color and a lot of DIY. Starting out in my early twenties (before kids) going to college for Interior Design, once we started having a family I put my career behind me focused on being a stay at home mom.  I enjoyed decorating my house following my interior design experience. The childrens rooms were always my favorite areas to decorate. I would paint murals on the walls, sew bedding and decorate.  

All of the houses we bought needed some kind of attention. 

We bought brand new and fixer uppers. Each one we added our own touches. Using my years of DIY, painting, home decor, home staging experience, decluttering and organization helped.

I knew I would be moving again so I made sure the updates would help sell the house.

We have always made a large profit with each of our houses.


Now since the family has grown and I am no longer needed all of the time I am going to turn my attention to helping others and enjoying life doing what I do best.

I do believe that we can weave our life in the direction we want it to go. 

With this blog I plan on having inspirational moments, DIY, budget friendly ideas, suggestions for enjoyment.  Staging tips are another focus , guiding you step by step on how to get the most money from your house or if your not selling your house I can help with decorating it to your style, not someone else’s. Decluttering a house can make it a home. I can help you step by step. 

Also whatever else can be thrown into the mix.

Thank you for joining me here on The Life We Weave.